How Everything, in the end, becomes okay?
What do we mean when we say everything will be ok. Will it be the same way it was. Or will it turn into a way we want it to be? What does ok really mean? Does it mean after all the mess there will pin drop silence and we would not have to fight more mess?
Whenever something stricks us, we get numb or shocked and we can’t decide what to do or what has happened with us? Everything turns out to be not ok. Because we feel we aren’t in our natural way. But then when the same shock sticks to us for years, we get used to it. We get something to solve it or we get adapted to it. And then it starts making us feel okay.
Like if you had an accident. And you started to feel as if the world has ended. But the day you start to recover or adapt to your injury. You start to feel ok. When people separate, it creates a lot of mess. They broke down, they wanna die and then they think they are never gonna be ok. Because their ok was something with that person. But as soon as time starts to pass and they start to move ahead. Their ok turns out to be without them and everything starts to feel good.
Everything, in the end, becomes ok. Because either we make them so or we learn to accept the not so ok things.
So whenever you are trapped inside some situation and feel that you are not okay. Remember life always has one way or the other to make it so. It’s important to realize those okay things are okay only because they make us feel comfortable. That’s when we are in our comfort zone. That’s when things are happening as we want them to be.
But when things turn around and we get to face the uncertainty. We are put out of our comfort zone and we start to feel as if we are not meant to be there. But the only way life can make us grow or teach us something is by putting us out of our comfort zone and then life makes the uncomfortable comfortable.
Life has a very odd way of making us grow. It doesn’t even ask us for our willingness to grow. So it’s better that we get adapted with what life wants us to do. Rather than always living in our comfort, we must be accepting the things that life throws at us. They may not feel pleasant but those are the things which break our ceiling.
So it’s comforting to say that everything, in the end, becomes okay. But we must realize why do we always want things to be our way. Shouldn’t we try to accept the way they are rather than always trying to turn them into something we want them to be?
Everything, in the end, becomes okay because, in the end, we rise above our need to control everything. Life teaches us to accept things that aren’t our way. We rise above our urge to control everything and surrender ourselves to the forces of nature.
That’s what we must do, we must surrender to the forces of nature instead of trying to control them. Everything will be okay but in the process, we must try to accept the not so okay things. When we surrender ourselves to the forces of nature, nature will let it lose to be controlled by us. Without surrendering we can’t control things. And if we will try to do so, we will not only lose our control but our peace as well.
So whenever things turn out to be not okay, learn to appreciate them. And accept as they are instead of always trying to force them to go your way. If you will try to control things when they aren’t ready to be controlled, you’ll only lose your sanity. Even if you don’t want something to happen, they will and life will put you on the path of obstacles. One way or the other, everything will get okay. so it’s better we don’t freak when they are not. Its a mere waste of energy and time to freak out on something that is eventually gonna be fine.
Always remember one way or the other everything is gonna be fine.
Originally published at on April 6, 2019.