Is the universe giving you any signs?
The universe is always giving you signs of what you should be doing and where you should be turning. It is already whispering in your ears and giving you omens to follow. But we are so busy in this noisy world that we never really look at these signs and omens. We look at them and get busy. We never try to make meaning out of it.
While there are chances that if you believe in omens, you might get entangled into always deciphering what message the universe is giving you. But there are times, I have seen the universe giving me very evident signs. It is not that I am trying to trace the patterns of birds flying around my house. But I can see the patterns of incidences that try to twist my desires and convince me otherwise.
Moreover, they always send away messages to prepare us for what’s coming. what’s coming might not change because of your awareness, but because of your little awareness around what’s coming can save you form a shock or panic.
So if you might be thinking how does this universe send away the messages. Through the use of people, through your failures, through your grief and sadness. and recently I have learned that to listen to these whispers, we first have to let go of our preformed beliefs and values. We might have different pictures in our heads, so these preconceived notions will act as a barricade to those whispers.
And these omens aren’t loud or clear, they always come in whispers and you can only listen to them if you clear out your surrounding and your mind. and get fully engaged in listening to them.
These whispers will not act as any fortunetellers, but rather as a missing piece in your puzzle. You don’t know what you should be doing, listening to the silence will reveal the answers to your questions or maybe you can call them a catalyst of worries in silence.
Whenever I am crying, I cry in a manner so as you try to express what I feel, in some ways I try to make meaning out of my grief. of why I am feeling hurt and what is the root cause of my tears. And while I am doing this I always get these whispers in my ears of what should I stop doing or what is it that is causing me to hurt. It gives away the message of my attachments styles and detachments style, of my preconceived notions that need to be broken or something that lies in my unconscious which keeps popping up and there lies unsettled emotions.
These truths come out when I give them space to come when I give them enough silence so as not to interrupt their coming.
In the book “The Alchemist”. There is a very thorough understanding of omens, of how your destiny is trying to reveal itself in front of you. But it’s just that you don’t want to listen. Because listening to these omens needs surrender to the unknown, it needs to give up beliefs and ideas of what you want to make out of your life. Unless you don’t give up on this idea of what you want to do, what you must do or what’s your dream won’t reveal itself. Because your desires act as a blockage in the way of your destiny.
“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Your destiny is yours and yours alone, so it must be different and unique. you might not listen to the whispers because no one else has ever walked on this path before, it seems like an alien idea. Those who realize their destinies, have to pay this price of giving up their ideal life or the ideal as of from the conditioning we have received.
Originally published at on July 16, 2020.