Persistence beats everything.
All we try is to be as good as others are on the first day of riding a bicycle. And that’s really good from the perspective of growth and perfection. But if we quit doing something because we aren’t as good as others are. Then maybe we are never gonna be as good as they are.
They weren’t born this good, and so we aren’t. Just that they have put a lot of time and now that they are on their chapter 30 or 50, we compare our chapter 1st to them. We quit because we don’t find ourselves as good as they are now.
And there is also another reason why we aren’t ready to fail in the beginning. We wanna rock the stage on the very day we enter on it, and if we don’t. We stop getting on the stage because of the embarrassment we felt because of our amateur skillset. Just that we don’t mind the embarrassment and keep on doing it in spite of not being as good as we expect ourselves to be. That we will become as good as we want to be.
I know the world expect from us the best on the very day we start to do it. But they are the consumers, why will they compromise on their demand if we can’t supply it. So rather than expecting them to lower their standards, we should better raise our standards.
Sometimes we want the world to appreciate what we do just because we have put so many efforts into it. But we forget that the world has nothing to do with our hard work. They have nothing to do with the struggle story we are telling them, rather they are interested in making a struggle story of ours by themselves.
We can’t be as good as they are on the first day of doing that. We never have been as good as others were. Surely people were a kind of motivation for us to keep going but they never became a reason for our going back. when we start learning to ride a bicycle, we didn’t quit learning because we weren’t as good as others were. Rather we learned from them and keep going.
Because we knew it is our first or whatever second day. With time and practice, we gonna be better at it. With our dedication, we are gonna be learning how to do like others. We didn’t cry just because we weren’t the best on our first day.
Why don’t we adopt the same principle now? Why do we compare our progress with others and feel miserable? Its more now society has become more important to us than learning. we lose the passion to learn when they society humiliates us. OUr respect and ego start to take place of our curious and passionate mind.
Just that we become the same curious child that don’t mind anyone laughing at us that we can be as good as we want ourselves to be. Just that we put our future ahead of the society that we can forge our own fortune.
As a kid, we never cried for not being perfect on the first day. Then why do we fuss too much about being best at our first attempt? Why do we cry out loud because we aren’t able to do it perfectly on the first time? We must know that nobody was as good as they are on the first day. They weren’t as good as they are now when they were in our place.
So how we gonna be making there. By accepting that I am not gonna rock the stage the very day I will enter. But I won’t step down nor will I stop getting on it just because I couldn’t do it perfectly. For attaining the perfection we would have to stay on the stage for enough time.
Now persistence is quite difficult to inhibit, but that’s the only thing that would lead us to perfection. Persistence beats everything. When we put today’s energy to use, we forge tomorrow fortune. and the only way we could reach where we want to is by keep pacing ahead without worrying too much if we are getting there or not.
Originally published at on April 15, 2019.