Stop considering your beliefs to be superficial.
I have always been under this quote that you shouldn’t speak something that you don’t do and won’t do in the future.
But how do you know what will you do in the future?
How do you know what your actions will be in the future?
Because our beliefs change from time to time. We become a different being from time to time. And the things we may have once hated, we start loving them..because we change.
But how do we know we are going to do this in future and we shouldn’t speak it now.
That way we aren’t going to speak anything. We won’t be able to speak anything.
Because we’ll be too conscious of the thought that perhaps I won’t do it in future. Like today you support not using social media. And you are giving away this habit of yours to everyone.
But what happens if your beliefs change. And you start feeling that it isn’t as bad as you thought it was. It has some benefits too. And you are trying to use it to a limit that it will benefit you.
Will all of your words start backfiring you?
Will all of your statements start offending you?
And will it ever make sense if you admit that you have changed?
Will it make you stupid. If you say “I sometimes change my thoughts”.
Don’t you think people will start taking you lightly?
That you don’t even know what you’re going to do. And you speak of all the big things in life. Don’t you think they will irritate you every time saying you don’t know what you do?
Should we stop speaking, or should we stop changing? Should we stop believing in something? Or should we stop giving away our beliefs?
The last one seems to be good.
Just because you have a belief. That doesn’t mean it is the best. Treat it like its normal to have it. And everybody else has their normal ones.
Because when we start assuming our beliefs to be superficial. We start to become ignorant of other’s beliefs.
We don’t even consider their views. And we get into the road of teaching things that nobody is interested in.
So stop spreading your beliefs. While others aren’t ready to receive them.
Stop bragging about yours to be better than theirs.
We always want to escape from mistakes.
But it’s better to make some mistakes and learn from them from time to time. Otherwise, we start treating ourselves above from ordinary humans.
While we are the same.
When we stop learning from our mistakes.
We start thinking that we don’t make any. And we are better than the one around us.
While we are the same.
I have made this mistake of telling others to consider my belief as superficial while I know it is. But I can’t consider theirs lower than mine.
They are humans too.
They have some sort of their beliefs. And maybe somewhere at their level, they are right.
Life has taught me one more thing today.
While sticking to my beliefs I can’t make others stick to mine too.
They have their own. And they are doing it well.
Have your beliefs and let others have theirs. Don’t try to change the world when it is not ready to change. Don’t try to think of others welfare when they don’t want their welfare.
Originally published at on August 28, 2018.