The winter has come.
While this pandemic has hit the whole world equally. I wonder if at times the last pandemic had hit. The people would have also thought the same. That life couldn’t be worse than this. No time will be able to beat this time in the amount of suffering it has caused.
And it has indeed caused suffering. It has indeed been a bad time. The quote from “The game of thrones” always reminds me of the winter. We have always been in summers. You’re a summer child. And so you have known nothing of the winter. In winter, we must protect ourselves, look after one another. Because winter has to come. And this time seems like the winter of our lifetimes. The long winter.
The summer is accustomed to being followed by winter. It is inevitable to not have a winter season.
And what also struck me is the fact. That stark ancestors always used to pass this word. So that they are always prepared, always preparing for the time when they won’t be able to prepare any longer. To prepare for food, for shelter, for protection. And prepare ourselves in the summer, in such a way to be able to deal with the winters. Winters are full of darkness and terrors. But we never know how long will this winter lasts. How long.
We can’t say. Nobody can. We can just assume by looking at the sky and hope for the sun to appear. But we don’t know any better than anybody else. We might believe that we do. But in winters, the unknown strikes us. And all that is known to us disappears.
Remember you’re a summer child so you have no idea what winter is like. And so the summer child is more afraid of the winter than the one who has lived the last winter. Because he has the idea that we always get through it. We always manage to deal with it. Even if it seems to be having no end. Even if it never seems to end.
We always come to the shore where it does. And so will this winter end. Like any other has. That is the hope we can cling to. Because we have nothing else to cling to. Eventually, this is all unknown to us all. We have not known any of it. So how come we can say what’s better. And what’s not. Only when we have passed through it. And then there will summers. And there will be summer children. We can tell them about our experience. We can tell them what we have known about that unknown.
The winter has come.
But, sadly, we have never known these words. We had no stark to tell us that winter is coming to prepare ourselves for it. And those who did. The states didn’t listen. And the cost of that is we are somehow unequipped to deal with this. We were busy fighting wars, concerning ourselves of who sits on the throne. And building the walls. We didn’t make enough weapons, enough fire to beat this darkness. And we are so unprepared that the panic itself is causing us more harm than the darkness. The darkness is taking out our eyes and killing us from inside. Because we haven’t implanted a fire inside. The light of awareness.
But that is no big deal. Because there will always be an unprepared summer child. That is a lesser deal than now cursing the next generations with the same curse. With not passing our words. And not preparing ourselves mentally, scientifically, and physically for the winters. Even if their winter is not going to be in the same shape with the same enemy. But the darkness will be the same.
A summer spent in pleasures results in the winter causing us pain. And we don’t want to suffer as much as we are today. Do we? We must spend, lesser time on pleasure, and more time preparing ourselves mentally. Increasing our mental muscles.
The winter is coming is not a word of panic. It’s a word for the summer children to protect and save from the darkness that could take their eyes.
I know that’s all fiction. But a piece of fiction is the creation of the unconscious mind. And it always knows what’s coming. So everyone who is dealing with this winter must remember it. And never forget it for its own sake.
The great war is coming alive. But it’s a virus in place of the dead army. Well, the similarities are overwhelming. That the dead could multiply with just a raise of a hand. And it keeps on multiplying against those finite number of living.
Once you have killed a dead, it will come alive out of somewhere. Now it seems like the only way we can kill it by killing the night king. With a dagger made of dragon stone. But finding the dragon stone wasn’t that easy. And then turning that stone into dagger and weapons and arm every damn person with it was another barricade.
The night is full of dark and terrors.
The longer you take to see them beyond the wall. The faster they will break it. The only way to protect ourselves is to keep ourselves on this side of the wall but seems like they are getting successful in breaking it. The dead have come.
Fiction has so much to teach a person about it’s past and future. But we don’t see them beyond being a fantasy.
Remember what Jon said.
‘It doesn’t matter who sits on the throne, If we are squabbling among us. There will a skeleton sitting on it.
You know whats the most important thing that I can draw from it. The lesson is to not see anything but fight with our common enemy. For a time being. Not concerning ourselves of who sits on the throne, of the wealth or the power. But only to fight with the common enemy.
The dead multiplies faster. And it’s another mind-boggling fact that once a living dies, he becomes a white watcher. He becomes the part of the army of the dead. And then he can hurt you even if beyond those blue eyes, there is a person you loved.
I am crying for the fact that we never prepared ourselves to deal with this great night.
It’s a war with a common enemy. And no one is exempted.
I know that’s all stupid. But I can’t help but relate every work of fiction with reality. Because there is always something we can learn and relate.
“The real war isn’t between a few squabbling houses, its between the living and the dead”.
Originally published at on May 20, 2020.