When a woman is desired for her being.
When a woman is desired for she is. Not because she possesses some great virtues. But only because she is.
It seems like a blessing to some and a curse to others. For some want to be desired for being nothing but she. And others want to be desired, for she possesses something unique.
I at least don’t belong to the former. I don’t like people’s gaze, just because I possess different genitals. For it makes a person feel overwhelmed for nothing. And other times it makes a person feel superior for nothing.
But I don’t know why I hate the feeling when a guy makes me feel that I am desired only because I am. Only because I belong to a certain gender.
It makes me feel worthless. For counting myself in everyone is not that I fear or hate. It is counting me for deeds I am no part of. Well, I don’t really control any bit of myself being a girl. And I didn’t choose to be. So how can I be desired for what I didn’t choose or control?
It indirectly tells me I have nothing else to offer.
And desiring woman for her mere being pulls her away from being above her existence.
The world makes her believe that she doesn’t need to do anything except to be. And she keeps believing it. And then the world locks her down, to never let her be anything beyond herself. Beyond her existence.
I exist. But the idea that I am desired for my existence is something hard to grasp. That tells me what use I am off. Only to fulfill your sexual pleasures. Is that all I am made for? Is that all my existence is for?
I don’t mean to say women do nothing beyond existing. But honestly, I don’t like the attention that I don’t earn. It hurts me to know that man desired me because he had to desire at least someone. Or he desires anyone who passes by. It hurts me to know that I am treated like meat that is only meant to meet the needs of the one who desired it.
Well, I have an existence beyond my existence. I have virtues that should attract a gaze that my mere existence shouldn’t. And I should be desired for what I am beyond what I possess in my genitals.
Because when I am treated like prey, like some meat that is desired. I feel like I mean no great deal to the world. Which is not true? At least I don’t want to believe that.
When little girls come to tell me how some guy showed gazes at her and told her she is special. That he desires her. I feel hurt. For he is lying. He hardly knows her to like her. He hardly has the knowledge of her being beyond her face or voice. And she is desired because he eventually had to desire someone.
I feel hurt for those little girls when they are told they are special. While all they mean is that they would say it to anyone who would be in that place.
While all men are not the same. And some can make the differentiation between their hormones and their likings. Between their hunts and their findings.
For when you hunt, you would catch any animal that passes by. But when you find it. You catch the one you are seeking. And some men know what they are seeking. And they don’t hunt for anyone.
I don’t deny that man hasn’t been given this biologically. And they are this way because they are meant to be. But a man has traits that he could choose. And anything that he chooses, he becomes.
From this article, I want to tell women firstly :
- Don’t feel special and desired because he tells you so. Because this man will be the same, telling you how flawed you are once he gets you. For when you have hunted, you crib about how you haven’t hunted the right one. Or how you could have a better one.
- For women, please don’t fall for a man who doesn’t even know you beyond your surface. Who doesn’t really care about the depth on your surface?
- Don’t feel superior just because you have been desired by any man, for your face or outer appearance. For a prey has no value once a person hunts it. You will feel useless, once someone gets you. For he will make you feel useless. Because you believed his lies, and they made you feel superior. You had no trouble with it. But now when his lies are making you feel worthless. You are complaining.
- Don’t put other women down or make her feel useless when she doesn’t get the same gaze as yours. Because indirectly woman weights her worth with how much attention she got. And then she boasts about it in her group. Where there may be women that won’t get the same attention. And that doesn’t make those women any less. Again, it is the lie you believe. Rather, I consider those women to be of more value that has a depth few men dared to dive into.
- Don’t consider a man who seems to hunt more, more worthy. Because he will continue to believe and make other men believe the same. That this is what women want. Women want a guy who has the charm to hunt more. Nay, this is all lie. While little girls with their little eyes could fall trap of this. But believe me, they are not the guys that should get your way. And if they do, show them their way.
Now I don’t seem to remember anything else that I can say to a woman.
To man :
- I know how biology works. But you aren’t the slave of your impulses. So be a human. And don’t hunt. Don’t catch anyone you lay a hand on. Because she may have evoked those hormones in you. While that may not be love.
- Have some bigger standards and seek what you want. And have the courage to dive into the depth after you have fallen for the surface. The surface may or may not have a depth that you are seeking.